Christian Johansen


Christian came to know Christ while serving in the military. Though Christian was very successful in a group of elite soldiers, this success and its material assets did not bring satisfaction, fulfillment, or happiness. Through conversations with a fellow soldier who seemed to have those things Christian lacked, Christian came to understand his sinful condition, God’s requirements, and His provision for restoration. When he was reborn, purpose, peace, love, and joy entered Christian's life! Though Christian and his wife Gabrielle came from broken homes, they now sought to follow God’s will for the home; God has blessed them with children and grandchildren. Because a military life was not suitable for managing a family, the Johansens moved to Indiana, where God asked Christian to serve Him in many ways, one of which was caring for His sheep through eldership.

What is your desire for Grace Bible Church?

"For Grace Bible Church to submit to Christ in such a way as to show forth His love to a world so desperately in need of it."

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